Our #ProjectServator officers have been at Lakeside working to keep staff and customers safe. The time, the team have been using drones to look for signs of suspicious or unusual behaviour. They have also been continuing to build a network of vigilance. We rely on the public to be our eyes and ears and we want you to report any behaviour you see that doesn’t feel right. This could be something like an unattended item, or someone paying a lot of attention to CCTV cameras. Project Servator is a normal police operation and law-abiding members of the public have nothing to worry about when they see a Project Servator deployment. By working together, we can keep each other safe and disrupt a range of criminal activity, including terrorism. To find out more visit our website and search ‘Project Servator’.

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Our specially trained #ProjectSeravtor officers set up a vehicle checkpoint at Lakeside as they continue to work to keep people safe. We stopped drivers, spoke to them and their passengers, and checked vehicles. We took the opportunity to tell people about Project Servator and encouraged them to report anything they saw or heard that didn’t seem right. Project Servator is a policing tactic that aims to disrupt a range of criminal activity, including terrorism, while providing a reassuring presence for the public.Although Project Servator deployments are different to normal police operations, there’s nothing to worry about. They are designed to be unpredictable and can happen anywhere at any time. Don’t be surprised or alarmed if you see them and weren’t expecting to. It’s all about keeping people safe. You can find out more about Project Servator by going to our website and searching ‘Project Servator’

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essex police
essex police

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