
Memberships at Rock Up

Memberships at Rock Up
Rock Up 1


Casual Climber:

Casual Climbers gives you access to lower entry prices, exclusive discounts in our café and priority tickets for special events Our Casual Climber Membership is just £10 for the entire year!

Peak Pursuer:

Becoming a Peak Pursuer will give you x10 climbing passes to use any time within 3 months!

It costs £100 and equals a HUGE 30% off your Rock Up ADVENTURES!

Summit Squad:

For just £35 a month you can access anytime off-peak climbing ( usually school days) and peak climbing after 5pm.

This includes weekends and school holidays too. Pay easily by direct debit every month with just an initial commitment of 3 months and a rolling commitment thereafter.

You'll also receive exclusive discounts in our café, priority tickets for events & more!

Mini Explorer Bundle Offer:

10 Soft Play Visits For £40

We are excited to offer you 10 Soft play sessions with huge savings. The perfect solution for families who want to visit more frequently.

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